Tuesday 31 May 2016

Tips for Foot Care

Tips for Foot Care

Everyone wants to have beautiful feet, especially during the warmer months, when flip flops and sandals are the go-to footwear. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to keep your feet in tip-top shape because they take a lot of wear and tear. They support your weight and get you around, don’t they? If you want to keep your feet looking their best, you have to take steps to preserve and maintain them. Here are eight ways to keep your feet looking their best all year long.

You can make your feet and soft by treating them with different kind of treatments and chemicals. But these treatments are very expensive and time taking and can harm your skin and can cause many skin related problems because of chemicals which are used in these treatments…….


1. Daily Washing:

Proper foot care begins with the daily washing. It is best to use a mild soap sparingly. Otherwise, the skin dries out too much and is easily cracked.

2. Remove old nail polish:

You have to first remove the old nail polish. Use a good nail polish remover and wipe off the nail paint. Use a cotton ball gently to remove the nail paints from your toenails.

3. Scrub:

After you’ve soaked your feet for a while, be sure to give them a good scrub to smooth rough or dry areas. You can use a foot or facial scrub if you’d like or you can take your feet out of the water and use a pumice stone to massage the rough areas. Remember: a pumice stone is more effective when your feet are still damp and you should always go with the grain of your feet.

4. House Treatment:

In order to get smooth and sensitive hands and feet, take two table spoon of olive oil, one table spoon of lemon juice and half tea spoon of water and beat it with hands and feet. Apply this mixture slowly on your hands whenever they are wet. This mixture will make your hands soft and smooth.

5. Apply moisturizer:

Moisturizers help in great way to deal with rough skin of the feet. But use a good moisturizer. It will make the feet soft. It is advised to go for the whole process before going to the bed. It will help you to relax the feet with soft effects.

6. Wear Shoes that Fit:

Some people are on their feet more than others — for example, waitresses and those who go on long daily runs — but we should all be wearing comfortable, well-fitting shoes, whenever possible. The wrong shoes will wear your feet down pretty quickly. Shoes that are too small or just rub your feet the wrong way can cause unsightly blisters and corns. You should be especially careful when bringing home a new pair. Most shoes take awhile to break in, so you shouldn’t wear those cute new heels three days in a row.

These are some important tips for hands and foot care

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