Tuesday 31 May 2016

5 Ways which will help you to increase your Business

5 Ways which will help you to increase your Business

Business skills are critical needs in this modern era of globalization and cut-throat competition.

An employee that has competency in business skills is likely to be able to climb up the career ladder with ease. And that applies to businesses as a whole, too: a recent study conducted by Bersin and Associates reveals that organizations that are able to communicate their strategies in a clear and precise manner are 113 times more likely to achieve higher levels of profitability and efficiency.

Despite the fact established business owners are bound to advocate long-term stability over short-term success, every entrepreneur will want to witness at least a little bit of growth early on for reassurance and recognition. After all, the statistic that 96 per cent of businesses fail within 10 years can be rather daunting and, in the absence of positivity, you may feel like your enterprise is doomed from the start.

So, bearing this in mind, here are five sure-fire ways to quickly increase your business growth without sacrificing or compromising what matters most.

Of course, is it not every businesses’ biggest problem? Finding ways to increase Sales. After I skimmed through the seminar notes, I was able to round up top 5 ways to improve sales:

5 Ways to increase Business:

Increase Conversion Rate:

Conversion rate is measured by the number of contacts who after checking your services and profile are willing to contact you for further questions or next steps. Your Website plays a vital role in building this conversion rate. So, make sure you have a website that works as your first marketing tool, selling your services, trust and confidence to your visitors 24×7 and helping convert them to prospects and customers.

Launch a lead generation campaign:

Even if you spend the majority of your time trying to boost bottom-line sales, don’t ignore or overlook the importance of marketing, as lead generation campaigns are a great growth strategy.

Use direct mail, telesales, and the numerous digital marketing tactics at your disposal to actively identify and contact prospects. You will then be in a position to encourage and usher leads down the sales funnel.

 Save time:

 Whether you’re running a one-man show or an enterprise-level  with data being fed into customer-relationship management systems, you need to automate certain processes. If you don’t, then these will tend to become chores that you may begin to avoid, thereby decreasing your effectiveness. Some activities that you can place on auto mode include posting updates across platforms, sending email and SMS updates on favorite topics, and uploading social media content to remote storage. 

Increase your prices:

It might seem like a fairly rudimental technique for encouraging growth, but as long as your customers receive more value at the same time, there is no reason why you can’t increase product or service prices.

Ways to keep your clientele on board without obliterating profitability from price increases include frequent buyer programs, a higher level of support based on purchase amount, reward schemes for certain products, and a quicker speed of service or delivery.

 Promote your business on social media networks:

 Facebook users have an average of 229 friends. When you create new content, launch a new product or run a new campaign, be sure you share this across the social media channels you are active in. There is no easier way to grow your customer base than providing value and then having your customers promote your brand for you.

These are simple and important things which will help you to increase your business.

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