Wednesday 25 May 2016

10 things you must understand while choosing a profession

10 things you must understand while choosing a profession

Choice of profession is different from person to person according to his social status, family background, aim in life or bent of mind. Generally I will teach you some important things while choosing a profession.

Before starting the career or profession keep in mind that whether you want to do drastic 180 or just make a minor shift_ can seem downright impossible. There are so many options.  You don’t  know  what you are Qualified to do. Frankly, you have been so busy worrying about your Current job that you have not taken half an hour to consider what you would rather be doing. And when you do start to think about it? Your mind morphs into a cloudy mess of overwhelm. Now the following things will help you to choose a right profession.

1.Consider your interest:

Consider your dream career

There is an old saying that if you are trying to choose a profession, You should think about what you would do if did not have to work. 
For example:
                        If you want to be an actor, consider going into media broadcasting. You can get a degree in communications or work your way up the chain of command in a local news or other television studio……………

Consider your hobbies

It is very easy to turn your hobbies or something you love doing into future profession. Many hobbies correspond  to real world needs and positions. Consider what you like to do and how that might fit into a profession.
For example:
                        If you like drawing or art, consider becoming a graphic designer………….

Consider what you enjoy or enjoy at school

Academic subjects translate well into future professions but may require more hardworking than other types of professions. Your favorite class in high school could very well launch you into your future career but you have to be willing to work for it.
For example:
                        If you loved chemistry, You could look forward to future profession as lab technician or a pharmacist………………..

2.Consider your Skills:

(a). Think about what you are or were good at in school. The problem is not the idea of pursuing things you are good at and that you love; It is that your aspirations too broad and difficult to act on. Think about it and this will help you in choosing a profession.(previous examples)

(b). Consider what skills you excel in. If you are particularly good at certain skills, such as fixing things or making things, this can provide you with a great future profession. If you are good at providing your feedback and coaching other writers? Then becoming a writing teacher or tutor might right for you.

For example:
                        Carpentry, Auto repair, construction and electrical work all benefit from peoples who are at fixing things or working with their hands. These also tend to be stable, well-paying jobs…………….

(c). Ask someone if don’t know. Sometimes it is hard for us to see the areas in life where we excel. Your skills inventory could take the form of checklist, a mock resume or interviews with friends, family members, mentors and former employees who can provide you an outside perspective. Their ideas might surprise you!

3. Consider your current state:

Explore yourself

Figuring out what you should with your life may sometimes requires you to get to know yourself better. If you want a profession that will really make you happy, you have to have a very good understanding of what you and what you enjoy, this means taking sometimes off to enjoy what is important to them.

Consider your financial situation

Your ability to pursue or change professions may hinge you in financial situation. Some career paths require special schooling and this is sometimes so expensive. However, you should not feel that being poor bars you from getting the education you want.

4. Consider your future: 

Consider the careers you have easy access to

Consider what career options are available for you easily move into. If your options are limited, choosing a career in which you can quickly enter may be your best option…...

Consider your job stability

It is also important to consider future professions stability. You will need to consider  if the career you choose is stable enough for you and your desires for the future.

For example:
                        Many people recently sent into a law school and racked up often in access of $100,000 in school debt because they thought they would be making a very high in the future. However, law positions are not demand as much the last few years and now those people have huge debts and no way to pay them………….

These are the things which will help you in choosing a right profession.

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