Monday 6 June 2016

Major Problems OF Education IN PAKISTAN

Major Problems OF Education IN PAKISTAN


Education is the simple process of learning and knowing. It is not restricted to the schools only. Education starts from the mother’s lap. Parents and family inculcate good manners and make responsible citizens out of their children. Home is called first school of the children, but the formal education starts from the school, where they are taught, how to behave and understand what is going on around them.


In different reports the ministry of education claimed that literacy in Pakistan is over 50%, but open sources disagree with it and they say that it merely 35%. During the year 2003-04 the literacy rate is placed at 54 %( male 66%; female 42%). (The development of education in Pakistan National report of MOE, July 2004). The literacy rate claimed includes the people who can only write their name or they can read newspaper or simple sign boards/advertising boards. Different steps are taken to improve this situation but situation seems to improve very little. The U.N. Development Programs 2004 Human Development Report assigns Pakistan. The lowest “education index” of any country form outside Africa. (W.B., Report, September 2004)


Medium of Education:

The system of education in Pakistan is operative in match with the local needs and ground realities. It is almost a decisive factor that the education in the mother tongue surrenders more dividends but we have the system more segregated and diversified just contrary to our requirements. A good example of it is that we fail to decide about the Medium of education over the span of 64 years. Different mediums are operational in both, public and private sector. This creates a sort of disparity among people, dividing them into two segments.

 Education System is based on Unequal Lines:

The educational system of Pakistan is based on unequal lines. Medium of education is different in both, public and private sector. This creates a sort of disparity among people, dividing them into two segments.

Lack of technical Education:

The other is Madrassa system in Pakistan. They are giving the Islamic education to their students and ignoring to giving the modern education. Most students studying in the madrassas belongs to poor families. Poverty is an important factor that strict the parents to sent them in madrassas because they are providing free of cost education. The students of the madrisas are timid and shy they do not actively participate in the activities. They are unaware of modern technologies. They are unable to survive in the modern technological world. They do not find the jobs opportunities because they do not get the modern or technical education.

  Cost of education: 

The economic cost is higher in private schools, but these are located in richer settlements only. The paradox is that private schools are better but not everywhere and government schools ensure equitable access but do not provide quality education.

Gender Discrimination:

We should have know how of the population comprising females, unfortunately their education is not attended to the way it was deemed fit. The gender discrimination is a cause that is contributing towards the low participation rate of girls at the basic level of education. The male and female participation ratio is projected at the primary school in the shape of ratio of boys & girls as 10:4 respectively. In the decade passed, government invited private sector to shoulder the responsibility of education of the youth. The intent was also to provide the education at the doorstep to the children especially the female students. The private sector took up the challenge and there was an increase in the growth of private schools but this step didn’t cause the increase in the students or the quality. The masses could not be attracted because of precious education. It created clear cut tiers of society and created a gap among those with the haves and have not’s.

Untrained Teachers:

The teachers in government schools are not well trained. People who do not get job in any other sector, they try their luck in educational system. They are not professionally trained teachers so they are unable to train a nation.


We have also leaders who are dealers of fake degrees (I don’t know why people elect and then reelect them through their vote).________________


Corruption causes the educational policies, plans and projects to fail because of being the major contributing factor. There is no accountability and transparency in the system, the salaries are low, the incentives are too less to be accounted and even those are uneven. An estimated Rs. 2,594 million out of a total of Rs. 7,016 million provided for improvement of school facilities such as buildings, electricity, drinkable water, etc had gone unaccounted during the fiscal periods 2001-06 (UNESCO Bano, 2007). Similarly, more than 70% literacy centers in Punjab remained inoperative or exist only on paper (ADBP, 2007). The chances of ghost schools should be evaded by involving the community in the processes of inspection and monitoring.

LOW Allocation of Funds:

Pakistan spends 2.4% GDP on education. At national level, 89% education expenditure comprises of current expenses such as teachers’ salaries, while only 11% comprises of development expenditure which is not sufficient to raise quality of education. 

Education as a business:

Education has been pursued by some of the people as an industry but because of being illiterates, they fail to cope up with the stipulated standards. The leader with vision spoils the mission as well as the projects undertaken. Their only intent is money making that has caused the decay in the standards, induction of sub-standard staff, and depriving the deserving to grow. They don’t want to catch with the move of success but they try to be good entrepreneurs.


Poverty is also another factor that restricts the parents to send their children to public or private schools. So, they prefer to send their children to madrassas where education is totally free.

These are the major problems in education of PAKISTAN

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