Monday 6 June 2016

What is Islam

What is Islam


                                   The origin of Islam is generally accredited to the prophet Muhammad but to the devout Muslim, Islam began long before Muhammad ever walked the earth. The Qur'an was dictated by Muhammad but, according to the Qur'an, it did not originate with Muhammad. The Qur'an testifies of itself that it was given by God through the angel Gabriel to the prophet Muhammad. "This is a revelation from the Lord of the universe. The Honest Spirit (Gabriel) came down with it, to reveal it into your heart that you may be one of the warners, in a perfect Arabic tongue" (Surah 26:192-195). "Say, Anyone who opposes Gabriel should know that he has brought down this (the Qur'an) into your heart, in accordance with God's will, confirming previous scriptures, and providing guidance and good news for the believers'" (Surah 2:97).

Major Problems OF Education IN PAKISTAN

Major Problems OF Education IN PAKISTAN


Education is the simple process of learning and knowing. It is not restricted to the schools only. Education starts from the mother’s lap. Parents and family inculcate good manners and make responsible citizens out of their children. Home is called first school of the children, but the formal education starts from the school, where they are taught, how to behave and understand what is going on around them.

Friday 3 June 2016

4 ways to get First AID (BASIC)

4 ways to get First AID (BASIC)

Patient vital signs -- body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and respiration rate -- tell medical personnel a great deal about a patient. If you have to administer first aid, you can take vital signs and report them to medical personnel over the phone or when they arrive on the scene. This information can be very important in helping a medic, nurse or doctor diagnose and care for the patient.

Check the surroundings:

 Evaluate the situation. Are there things that might put you at risk of harm? Are you or the victim threatened by fire, toxic smoke or gasses, an unstable building, live electrical wires or other dangerous scenario? Do not rush into a situation where you could end up as a victim yourself.

If approaching the victim will endanger your life, seek professional help immediately………

Thursday 2 June 2016

10 things you don’t know about Mark Zuckerberg

10 things you don’t know about Mark Zuckerberg

Today is Facebook's 10 year anniversary. In celebration, we look at the life of its founder and billionaire, Mark Zuckerberg.

His full name is Mark Elliot Zuckerberg and he was born on May 14, 1984, in White Plains, New York into a comfortable, well-educated family.


Mark Zuckerberg is red-green color-blind, which is part of the reason why the Facebook we know today is blue!

Engineering and it’s Branches

Engineering and it’s Branches

Engineering is a discipline, profession, and art that usually applies scientific theory to develop, design and analyze technological solutions. Engineering is a far-reaching field that consists of a number of dissimilar specialties. Most of these specialties have their own educational requirements and each one has its own intricacies and specific knowledge required. If you know the different categories of engineering that you can pursue at your college or university, it will help you to figure out the right degree to pursue so you can reach your goals.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

5 Ways to get a Healthy Hair

5 Ways to get a Healthy Hair

Keeping your hair healthy requires patience and dedication. In addition to leading a well-balanced life, you must wash, condition, and style your hair with care. Invest in high quality products and tools that will protect rather than damage your hair. Take extra measures to protect your hair in order to maintain the health of your tresses.



 Keeping good care of your skin is important. Your body’s largest organ protects your insides from temperature and physical contact with things you don’t inside you. Not only is it important to your health, but also a way to stay looking great at any age. Here are some following tips which will help you for facial beauty…………